Financial Library

Simple Strategies To Save On Your Mortgage

Buying a house is usually the most significant investment decision anyone ever makes. Owning a house also tends to have an outsized impact on a person's overall financial strategy during their lifetime. Buying wisely and choosing the right debt strategy can get you mortgage-free faster. By just following a few simple strategies, you could live in the home of your dreams, shave years off your amortization and save tens of thousands of dollars in interest.

Moving For a New Job? Consider the Costs

A job change is no longer just about higher pay or a better title. It can also be about achieving a healthier life balance or simply trying something new. In many cases, a new job includes relocating to a new community. A new opportunity can be very exciting, but even the most positive change comes with financial implications, especially when a move is involved. It’s good to understand the unexpected costs around relocating. A little knowledge can help you capitalize on the momentum of your new role without compromising your overall financial plan.
